Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification

Continuous monitoring of Waterloo region’s GHG emissions across all sectors is essential to measuring progress towards achieving our community’s GHG emission reduction targets.

Measuring emissions throughout an entire community is extremely difficult. There are situations where data is reliable, accurate and readily available (eg. facilities electricity data) but there is also data that is not readily available and requires creative approaches and methodologies to estimate (eg. personal vehicles).

As technology develops over the next 30 years, we will see advancements in the ease of collecting relevant data, and the increased availability of it.

Fulsome GHG inventories will be completed no less than every 5 years, with efforts to monitor progress on action items annually. To do this, the ClimateActionWR collaborative will identify indicators to aid in tracking progress against our targets and the key success metrics associated with each Transformative Change, and provide real-time data on trends as they emerge.